Thursday, 16 August 2012

Get Appointed to Offer UnitedHealthOne

Get Appointed to Offer UnitedHealthOne* Products & Move Forward With Confidence

Looking for a company that has longevity personal health insurance plans and optional benefits are built to last.

If you want to help your clients find the coverage that’s right for them, start with UnitedHealthOne personal health insurance. We have nearly 70 years of experience & expertise in the personal health insurance market, and we offer personal health insurance in 32 states and growing!

To get appointed TODAY option 5. We’ll even run your first quote for you! Or, we can call provide us with your contact information.

Not for Consumer Use. *UnitedHealthOne is a brand name used for insurance products underwritten [and administered] by Golden Rule Insurance Company.

Leads360 or Any Other Dialer

Here is what I am looking for:
1. Web Lead integration
2. Outbound cold calling campaign capability - prefer to dial 3-5 lines at a time
3. Customizable disposition buttons
4. Call recording capability
5. Campaign reports (not hugely detailed but enough that I can coach off it)
6. Call notes section
7. Create multiple campaigns

So I am exploring the possibility of using a new dialing system and I have heard of a few agents using Leads360 for lead management.
Some things I would like to have but are not essential:
1. Ability to schedule call backs and if possible integrate them into a cold call campaign
2. Email marketing
3. Live transfers or 3-way calls
I am sure there are more things but for now those are the biggies. By the way, I have tried and; both are OK but not great.

knocking didn't go too well for me

So cold door knocking didn't go too well for me. Wasn't a complete failure but after trying it I can definetly say I'd at least like a set appointment before knocking on someone's door ever again. Well I take that back. While I'm in the neighborhood after a bonafide appointment I wouldn't mind so much knocking on doors, but ONLY because I'm in that neighborhood because I truly did have an appointment.

I did phone sales for like 4 years back in the day so my phone voice is fine. I'm thinking for just trying it out I'll do the 15 hours with 2 or 3 lines out at for $30. Not a huge investment.

15 hours is about 3 days worth of cold calling I'd guess. Can't see myself cold calling more than 5 hours a day

If I see results I'll pay for the unlimited monthly deal. From what I can tell I just upload my csv file and will then dial up to 3 lines at a time and connect me instantly when someone picks up.

Unless you guys say otherwise for reasons I'm not thinking of I'll go ahead and sign up.

(Brownie points and much appreciation to anyone that posts their favorite FE cold calling script)

Finally Have Gonads to CC

I am looking for articles (or other sources of information) on "cold calling" and telesales of leading insurance companies:
1. sales methods.
2. rates of success.
can anyone help?

So I've decided not to purchase $30 psychological crutches anymore, and finally grew the balls to make the calls.

Put in my first hour this afternoon -- made something like 25 or so contacts, 0 appointments, and 150 or so calls (something like that).

I'm really leading with MedSupp and/or burial insurance. I know most lead with one, but I thought I'd give it a try.

Don't know what I need help with and don't know if I got enough data to make any fair judgements, but here's the script:

"Hey... is Stan in? Hey Stan, Dave Rearden here.... I'm calling because, I'm kinda curious. <pause> You wouldn't know anyone who's paying, an arm and a leg, for Medicare Supplement insurance OR, anyone who fees like they need more burial insurance, would you?"

(Strangely-placed punctuation is done to capture the cadence of how I speak.)

They say "no" -- I hang up. I don't rebuttal because I figure if someone gets a rate increase or feels like they pay too much, they'll raise their hands and say YA THAT'S ME alright!

I'll take anyone's constructive criticism. And if anyone knows how to record calls in Mojo, I'll be happy to upload them for your review.

Changing My Approach Script for Your Review

Just came out of an agency meeting where a successful agent from another agency gave a presentation on how he runs his business and writes life insurance regularly (we're a multi-lines shop, but with how crazy the P&C market is right now, I would rather concentrate on life and then cross-sell the auto and home when I can be competitive).

During the Q&A session, it came out that this agent writes a lot of business by reviewing existing coverage and adding to what people already have, or better yet, replacing what they have because what they have is not what they think they have -- e.g. examples of people having AD&D policies instead of life, having a 10-year term or increasing term when they though they had a level T65 or something like that.

Now, this guy says he works “mostly off of referrals and my existing book” (plus his father is also a 30-year agent with the same company with a large book of his own…so I’m sure he has had a few bones tossed his way).

However, the conversation did get me to thinking.....maybe when making cold calls to a targeted list of prospects, I should lead with an approach of looking for people who already have life insurance. I would love to get the forum’s feedback on this approach and the script below.

Hi, this is G-squared with the G2 Financial Group. I'm calling today because I'm looking for some people who already own life insurance as part of their financial plan. According to industry figures, there's about a 40% chance that you have life insurance that you personally own and pay for. Would you say that's true in your case?

[Prospect answers...I would think most people would say more than a year ago]

Hmmm, I see. And so, since you bought that policy, have you had it reviewed by an insurance professional to compare it to what's now available based on where you are in your life today as opposed to where you were “in 2004”

[I anticipate most would say no…but for the few who would say yes…]
Have you reviewed your existing life insurance coverage in the past year
Steve, my business is to find and meet folks in our community, like yourself, who would want to make sure the math is right to make sure their loved ones would be okay financially if their income were suddenly gone due to unexpected disability or premature death.

And the only way I know how to do that is to contact people and see if I can help.

So, what I am offering is…

A 20-minute conversation with you about your plan, to determine if I would be able to help you solve any problems, such as having too much coverage, not enough coverage, or overpaying premium for the coverage you do have.

After we talk, if I feel that I can help, I’ll tell you so. If I don’t think I can help at this time, I’ll tell you that too. I value your time and my own.

If you’re open to meeting with me on this, would [TOMORROW] or [TWO DAYS FROM NOW] be better for you? Is [10 a.m.] or [3 p.m.] better for you.

Just to confirm, both you and your spouse will be present for this meeting, correct? I have you at… (Confirm address).

(If appt) Great! __________ I will see you on (DAY), (DATE) at (TIME). Should you have any questions in the meantime, may I email you my contact information? Great, may I have your e-mail address?

That’s very interesting. I’m going to ask you a very tough question. And that is, if you were suddenly gone and your family had to manage on their own, have you done the math to make sure your loved ones would be OK financially? How would they pay the bills, pay the mortgage, save for college, and put money away for retirement if your income were suddenly gone due to unexpected disability or premature death?

We’ll let me tell you how I work. I work a little bit differently than other advisors when it comes to life insurance. First we need to do a needs analysis to determine the proper amount of coverage for your situation, so that in case something happens to you, we can make sure all the bills are paid, the mortgage is paid, and so we can put some money aside for education and retirement. Second, we’ll fill out an application for coverage to see if we can get you approved for the optimal amount, Finally, once you’re approved, I’ll come back with several options that all fit within your budget, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each, and then you’ll decide which one makes the most sense for you.

Information on "cold Calling

On average, what would you say is the average----
calls to make a sale

voice mails left which return the call (no, I don't have high hopes)

number of times you call through your list

how big of a list do you start with??

not a number, but do you find better success with t65 or older?

I'm fascinated with statistics. Starting out with a t65 list for med supps which has approx 1400 names. Hoping to call entire list once per week for 10 weeks. Just curious what sort of returns I can expect?? I'm a broker and contracted with many carriers, so price not a factor.

Will provide my stats as they become available Is anybody here using live lead pros currently or have you used them in the past? I am considering giving them a shot this month to see if i can help boost production a little bit. 300 live transfers for 1k, or am I better off using that 1k in hiring someone to cold call for me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Using Live Lead Pros for P&C

I am a relatively new health broker and I try to set appointments by calling aged leads. Half of the time they don't pick up or the phone is disconnected (these leads are anywhere from a few months to a few years old). But when I do get somebody to answer the phone, I tell them, "At one time it looks like you requested some information on affordable benefits. I'm simply following up to see what interest or need you may still have in that." Usually they say something along the lines of, "I already have health insurance". After which I am stumped, ask them a few questions, tell them that I could get them something better, and proceed to TRY and set the appointment with no luck (that is If they don't hang up on me). Basically I know that I should convey the message of "what I have to offer is better and more affordable", and then proceed to set the appointment. But being new, I lack the ability to structure a proper response which would get them interested in meeting with me.

So I would like to ask more seasoned agents, how do you go about overcoming that objection and turning it into an appointment. Any input would be greatly appreciated, so thanks in advance!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Life Insurance Policies Online

When filling out questions to get the rate, make sure that the company asks you about factors like health, age, medical history, gender, occupation and even details like your blood pressure figure along with your cholesterol level. This information will help determine your rate – and this will be low if you are young and in good health without any illness.
•             Honesty is the best policy. This saying holds true in this case as well. If you fib or do not give complete and accurate information such as "forgetting" to mention you have a heart condition, the quote generated will not be accurate. And in any case, when the insurance company finds out that the issuer did not supply complete information or withheld some of it, the policy will be void.
•             The company you decide to buy the policy from should be well known and reputed. There are various websites that can provide you with insurance company ratings. Buying a life insurance policy not only involves money but also the safety to your family when you pass away. You want to make sure you make the right choice and pick a trustworthy insurance company.
The best way is to use the internet for what it does best – allow you to research thoroughly before you make any decision.same is the case with insurance company websites and the various policies they offer. It is very easy to visit these websites and get insured – it can be done in a couple of minutes. While these websites are a direct and easy way to get your family the protection they need, there are some things you must be wary of. 

Medical Health Insurance: Protection

Today, huge medical expenditure is one of the areas that need to be looked into. Major portion of income goes into this expenditure. Hence, everybody is looking for coverage that could help them in seeking quality medical care without any financial stress. This coverage is offered by medical health insurance that offers significant protection from large, unpredictable and catastrophic healthcare expenditures.
There are many such products available in market. An individual needs to look into his/her healthcare needs and buy the one that suits the most. There are products that offer coverage not only to inpatient treatment, but also to pre- and post-hospitalization expenses, thus, providing required help to an insured. Besides it, one should also check if the plan offers maternity coverage, critical illness coverage, health check-ups, dental care expenses etc.
One such plan that offers all the above said benefits is Easy Health. It is a pure medical health insurance product brought by Apollo Munich. This plan can be purchased either on individual basis or on family basis. It offers coverage to maximum number of Indian citizens, is basic policy that offers complete coverage. It can be purchased by an individual or by a family. At the same time, the Company has brought Maxima, which is India's first 360 degree product that offers over-all cover to its customers. This product is designed to make medical treatment almost free to an insured. One can get coverage for both small and big illnesses on buying this product.

Purchase Health Insurance to Cope Up ...

Sound mind rests in sound body'. It shows that there is a deep connection between physical and mental health of a person.  A person who is mentally relived can enjoy life to a greater extent. One of the big mental reliefs is the protection. A person gets peace of mind, if he/she has a sense of protection. This security can be felt on buying health insurance. Many people on meeting an accident or any sudden mishap face the problem of financial stress due to high rising medical costs. The only solution to this problem is health or medical insurance.
It came into limelight to show that there is a connection between health of a person and medical care costs. One should not forget that health does not only mean the absence of illness. One needs to be mentally and physically fit to be called healthy. He/she should have an access to quality medical care to make sure that his/her health is safe and secure. One should purchase health insurance to make sure that there are no financial issues at the time of seeking medical care from the hands of experts.
Patrons should purchase health insurance, according to their needs.  A person should look for comprehensive coverage in order to have the maximum benefits. One is always advisable to go through various products and do comparative analysis of their quotes to know about them in detail. These products help a lot in coping up the cost of getting any illness diagnosed.
Apollo Munich, a joint venture between the Apollo Group of Hospitals and Munich Health, provides customers with policies to give them complete and comprehensive medical care. The plans provide coverage for pre- and post-hospitalization expense which means that the expenses of medical care are covered thus enabling them to get whatever treatment they need to stay healthy and happy. Besides it, there is a plan, named Maxima to make medical treatment almost free for its customers. It offers coverage to outpatient treatment.
So buy accident insurance today and have a secured tomorrow.

Live Life With Trauma Insurance

You never know what is going to happen in life, that is pretty much the only thing that you can be sure of, is uncertainty itself. The prudent person realises this and plans for any eventuality. It is far better to be proactive than reactive, it make sense to prepare for the worst because then the only surprises you get are good surprises. The entire insurance industry is premised on the idea that life is unknown and that it is sensible to plan ahead. Before people had insurance, when an accident happened or something unforeseen occurred, there were no safety nets, there were no measures that would help out. Now, we have insurance, which is the best safety net there is. While most people have home and contents, they are missing other equally important policies. One vital insurance that many people lack is trauma insurance If you need trauma insurance quotes, then get them online.
Make sure that you are covered for any eventuality with trauma insurance. It will provide you with support when you need it most. It can be really scary realising that you will not be able to earn any money while you are sick. It makes recovery so much more difficult and it can put a real strain on relationships.
If you need Trauma Insurance in Australia then the best place to look is online as there are some great sites that allow you to get quotes from all the major providers. This means you can compare and contrast policies with ease. It means that you can be assured that you are getting a representative and objective idea of what each policy costs and what they offer.

Get Online Quotes For Life Insurance For Convenience

Life is unpredictable. A life-threatening challenge can occur to you at any time and should you be unprepared, you might be faced having a monetary tragedy. For this reason, obtaining a correct life insurance cover really should be among your priorities to avert these tragedies. You will discover many insurance firms that supply unique online quotes for life insurance, according to aspects like the forms of policies on the market. You're able to get by far the most reasonably priced quotes based on the insurance coverage firms you seek.

Thanks to the internet, shopping for a suitable insurance coverage quotes is highly convenient at present. The search and application processes are accomplished within a matter of seconds. You can easily even shop from the comfort of the living room. The entire encounter has been made smooth and hassle absolutely free by the user-friendly quotations software program utilised.he on line insurance coverage market place has a lot to supply. Most leading insurance firms have taken for the web to marketplace their low-cost rates as a result of its popularity and convenience. People today no longer need to move from enterprise to corporation, comparing and contrasting the rates. They have realized that the via the internet industry offers several dependable, swift and novel services, which are on the market to any person on a 24-hour basis.

The on the net organizations have trained and certified insurance coverage pros to manage all concerns from current and possible clients. They also present recommendations on learn how to uncover the very best quotations to suit unique customers' requires and budgets. After you pay a visit to these corporations, the effortless procedures involved in conducting searches for quotes or asking questions don't demand expertise. You also get results instantly.

There are several way more merits that will be accrued from utilizing the web based services. Apart from the convenience of not possessing to become physically present in the insurance coverage company's office, you also get hold of substantial understanding on life insurance policies with out conducting a tedious research. Quotes for life insurance come with distinct functions to suit the completely different preferences of persons, and you get to compare a variety of quotes and decide on the ideal to meet your demands.

of Business Insurance Comparison

Getting covered for certain risks is not something new to insurance plan holders. However, not everyone knows how coverage for a livelihood actually works. Which is why it's always best to get some business insurance comparison prior to signing up for coverage?  A lot of people these days are aware of how a life, health, or vehicle policy works. Although the concept of getting covered if an unexpected event happens is still there, it may slightly differ from other kinds of coverage. Business coverage is most often given in 2 forms. These are the occurrence and the claims made policy.  The occurrence plan is a type of coverage which provides a payout whenever an act under its policy happens. This simply means that if a company is covered in case of fire, and there is an occurrence of fire, the owner gets a payout. This type of coverage is preferred by most entrepreneurs.  When shopping for a policy, knowing what the differences are can help applicants get the best coverage for their venture. Although occurrence plans may sound good, there are also a number of reasons why other entrepreneurs go for the other type. A good agent will be able to guide their client in making an informed decision.  The cost of the premium is considered as the top reason why one would pick claims made a plan. There are more affordable than the other type. Prices can be 30 to 50 dollars less.  The business type also matters when it comes to choosing between the two kinds of policies under this insurance type. There are companies who need either one, specifically to protect the merchandise or the services that they offer. Some companies need to have a risk covered which will guarantee the purchase of tail cover, as well as prior acts under any circumstances.  In a nutshell, entrepreneurs use some business insurance comparison to ensure them of a good coverage. A low cost premium may be enticing, but if it does not offer the type of protection they need in case an unexpected event happens, this won't be of any use to them. A thorough review on what risks and accidents may occur at the business site can help greatly in landing them with the best coverage.

Right Online Life Insurance Policy

The first step is to evaluate personal needs. Many people who purchase this coverage seek it at the wrong time in their lives, or fail to get the correct terms for their situation. For example, the average twenty-year old, unmarried man seldom needs extensive coverage. On the other hand, a married man with two children, a home, and other assets should be looking for ways to protect his surviving family members after his death.
Once a person has determined that he actually needs to be insured in this way, the next step is to decide which type of coverage best meets his needs. He can choose from whole life, term, or some combination of the two. There are some distinct advantages and disadvantages to each of these coverage options.
Term coverage provides protection for a fixed rate of time. If the insured dies during that time period, his survivors receive the promised benefits. If he lives past the policy's expiration, no benefits are paid out. As a result, this is a form of coverage that only provides real advantages during specific periods of time.
Whole coverage can last throughout one's lifetime, as can many of the combined options. These policies are usually more expensive than term coverage, though many feel that they provide superior benefits in the long run. Still, most experts recommend that consumers lean toward programs offering fixed term coverage, since the benefits are often more in line with the cost.
When comparing these options over the internet, it is wise to get multiple quote offerings and then analyze the differences between them. A dedicated agent can be extremely helpful in this process, since he can explain many of the finer points of the industry. He can also provide access to detailed information about the benefits of each policy type.
When it comes to protecting one's family, this type of coverage is a must. No one wants to leave his or her family without a way to pay the bills. By learning about the best ways to obtain online life insurance, any consumer can ensure that he provides his loved ones with the resources they need to survive without him.

Cheap Car Insurance new...

With gas prices being the way they have people all over the country have started to get creative with their finances and the costs associated with auto travel.

Prices vary from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Get at least four to five price quotes. You will find that there are several websites out there that can save you the time from doing this the slow and hard way as they will often get you quotes from up to a dozen companies all at once. You can call companies directly or access information on the Internet. Your state insurance department may also provide comparisons of prices charged by major insurers. And no, companies like Progressive that claim they will compare other companies, but they are an insurance company, so they are not to be trusted. They only have one interest, and that is to promote their own business.

Bigger is not always better. There are several low cost automobile insurance companies offering competitive rates in relation to the big names out there. This makes it possible to save a bundle on this expense. Many people seem to ignore this cost and tend to accept the burden of expensive insurance even when monthly payments almost match a car payment. In one case, I lowered my car insurance rates by about 50% when I found a good local company (I had switched from a really big name company). Then, if you really want to get the cheapest car insurance possible, simply tell the agents that you are ready to buy within the next 24 hours with whichever company offers you the lowest insurance rates. This really puts the fire under them, and is sure to create the most optimal pricing for you. Of course, be sure to carry through on your promise.

If it makes sense, you may want to consider getting a bundle package. Basically, see what it might cost to insure not only your car, but also your home, property, health and life insurance. This can save a person around 10% - 30% depending on the company you go with; and it does make paying your bills easier as well.

Oh, and one more tip, remember that the more info you provide upfront, the more accurate your quotes will be, and the more likely the insurance companies will be responsive to your inquiry. This is especially true when filling out a quote from multiple companies.

Car Insurance Comparison Online

Auto insurance is one industry which always remains full of activity due to several various reasons. Most of the potential auto insurance buyers do not get correct and timely information about the suitable coverage they need, the extent of risk that must be covered by them, cost of coverages, claim processing, customer service, etc. For this very reason, the internet has provided a way to help consumers complete a car insurance comparison to ensure that they are receiving reliable protection from a reputable company at an affordable price. Individual's need to also take the time to understand the limits which are required by their particular state in order to be properly protected and abide by the state's laws. Like any other state, Michigan requires that each owner and driver of an automobile must carry the proper liability coverage and it must be maintained at all times while their vehicle is being operated.
However, in case of legal proceedings, courts sometimes award more than these minimum limit amounts. In such case, the insured would be responsible for paying the amount not covered by the limit on the policy. To protect themselves against these situations, consumers should compare additional coverage in order to ensure that they have adequate protection. If within a person's budget, they can choose higher limits to protect against incurring financial hardship in the event that they are involved in a collision in which they are found to be at fault and their policy's payout has been exhausted.
Obtaining and comparing auto insurance quotes for higher amounts of liability may surprise many, as they may find that the difference of being covered more extensively may not be as expensive as they thought. Similarly, there are some optional insurance coverages one may wish to consider. These optional coverages are not mandatory but can prove to be quite beneficial. Such options include collision and comprehensive coverage, which unlike basic liability, will compensate the insured if they suffers a loss and not just the other party.
The advantage of utilizing the internet for the purpose of receiving prices for premiums is that within minutes, web surfers can receive multiple rates from a variety of insurers. This gives them the opportunity to compare not only prices but the companies as well. Although price is important, the integrity of an insurer should be considered as well. There are agencies that rate carriers that anyone can access to help determine who they would like to do business with. The internet also provides a way for potential customers to make a comparison of different types of coverage which may benefit them. Quotes can be provided to inquirers free of charge and with absolutely no obligation. The option to purchase is also made available so that customers can become insured instantly and receive instant proof of insurance.

Police Warn Car Insurance Customers to Guard Against Thieves

Police Warn Car Insurance Customers to Guard Against Thieves

Car insurance customers in Essex have been urged not to give opportunistic thieves the chance to break into their automobiles. Police in the area have therefore issued advice on how drivers could best avoid becoming a victim of vehicle crime. They suggested that motorists ensure they only park in safe and well-lit areas to ensure they do not attract unwanted attention from would-be thieves.

Make Sure that Your Car Insurance...

To minimize the chances of you getting a bad deal for your money the next time you run into an automobil accident, be sure that you get the best car insurance rates and ins policy that you can possibly get. The best insurance may not mean the most expensive or most loaded policies, because not everybody can afford to pay such hefty fees. What you do need on the other hand is the best automobile insurance company and quote that your own money can buy and pay for every month.
More than getting the most affordable deal, you should also sign up with an auto insurance company or agent that is ready to help you whenever you find yourself in a tight spot. In this case, cheap doesn't always mean good because just because insurance is offered to you at an extremely low price means that the company is sure to help and pay what is due their client when the time comes.
When people get into accidents, their insurance agents (if they're that sort) make it very hard on them and try to wiggle out of paying by arguing that they are not covered by the car insurance policy or that the insurance company should only pay part of the expenses. Ask around with family, friends and people you trust on who they believe the best and most trustworthy companies are before signing.

scared about health insurance overhaul

Coverage costs for her company, the Norfolk-based ship agent and broker T. Parker Host, would increase by just 7.9 percent, despite new requirements under the national health care overhaul.

It was the company's smallest rate bump since 2005.

"We were very pleased," said Jenkins, who is T. Parker Host's senior vice president for administration.

Many employers, like Jenkins, anticipated big changes as they developed insurance plans for the first time since the passage of the new health law.

For 2011, the law requires coverage for more people and, in many cases, mandates preventive services without extra charge to individuals - benefits that come with a price tag.

However, South Hampton Roads insurers, consultants and employers said the overhaul won't increase rates more than 4 percent next year, largely because many plans already came close to meeting the requirements.

Overall, including other climbing expenses, local group health insurance costs are rising between 6 and 12 percent - a range comparable to recent years, they said.

For employees, that means more of the same.

"What we've seen is a trend where employers continue to offer less benefits and pass on more of the cost to the employees," said John DeGruttola, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Optima Health, the insurance arm of Sentara Healthcare. "It's really just in response to the double-digit medical inflation that occurs and continues to occur."

Several provisions of the health care law take effect for plans renewed after Sept. 23, six months after the legislation was passed.Insurers also can't establish limits on how much they will pay for covered benefits during the entire time an individual is enrolled in a plan. Plans can no longer terminate coverage retroactively due to honest mistakes on applications.

Other rules are contingent on how much employers change their health plans. Among them is a requirement for plans to cover certain preventive services, such as flu shots and some cancer screenings, without charging copays or co-insurance.

Companies can avoid that and some other mandates by basically freezing their plans as of March. To receive "grandfathered" status, a plan cannot significantly raise employees' responsibility for health costs or substantially reduce benefits. Insurers found that few companies chose this option, though.

Dennis Wance was considering it for his Norfolk-based law firm, Vandeventer Black.

Because of some serious illnesses, health insurance costs would spike next year if his firm chose to grandfather its current plan, he said. However, a new plan probably would mean employees pay a larger portion of their medical bills and receive slightly reduced benefits, he said.

The choice promised to be difficult for a company that prides itself on generous health coverage for its 170 employees.

Workplaces scared insurance overhaul

Coverage costs for her company, the Norfolk-based ship agent and broker T. Parker Host, would increase by just 7.9 percent, despite new requirements under the national health care overhaul.

It was the company's smallest rate bump since 2005.

"We were very pleased," said Jenkins, who is T. Parker Host's senior vice president for administration.

Many employers, like Jenkins, anticipated big changes as they developed insurance plans for the first time since the passage of the new health law.

For 2011, the law requires coverage for more people and, in many cases, mandates preventive services without extra charge to individuals - benefits that come with a price tag.

However, South Hampton Roads insurers, consultants and employers said the overhaul won't increase rates more than 4 percent next year, largely because many plans already came close to meeting the requirements.

Overall, including other climbing expenses, local group health insurance costs are rising between 6 and 12 percent - a range comparable to recent years, they said.

For employees, that means more of the same.

"What we've seen is a trend where employers continue to offer less benefits and pass on more of the cost to the employees," said John DeGruttola, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Optima Health, the insurance arm of Sentara Healthcare. "It's really just in response to the double-digit medical inflation that occurs and continues to occur."

Several provisions of the health care law take effect for plans renewed after Sept. 23, six months after the legislation was passed.

For many people insured through their employers, these changes will begin in next year's coverage, which workers are now selecting during an open enrollment period. Companies can avoid that and some other mandates by basically freezing their plans as of March. To receive "grandfathered" status, a plan cannot significantly raise employees' responsibility for health costs or substantially reduce benefits. Insurers found that few companies chose this option, though.

Dennis Wance was considering it for his Norfolk-based law firm, Vandeventer Black.

Because of some serious illnesses, health insurance costs would spike next year if his firm chose to grandfather its current plan, he said. However, a new plan probably would mean employees pay a larger portion of their medical bills and receive slightly reduced benefits, he said.

The choice promised to be difficult for a company that prides itself on generous health coverage for its 170 employees.

"These benefits are important," said Wance, the firm's executive director. "That's why we're reluctant to do some of the more draconian things with medical premiums to get the cost down."

In some cases, the new law caused barely a ripple in a company's coverage, especially if its plan already came close to meeting the provisions or if few people qualified for the new coverage.

At T. Parker Host, for example, none of the 56 employees added a new adult dependent, Jenkins said.

Other employers still wrestled with steep increases.

Your Health Insurance Costs

Health care has been the subject of debate for the United States over the past decade. Although many citizens feel divided on the issue, there are a few things you may want to consider in order to keep health insurance costs at a minimum. People are able to choose between various health insurance plans to fit their specific needs, which can potentially help to lower costs. The down side to this kind of plan is that it may require larger out-of-pocket costs when individuals want to go to an out of network health care provider. Regardless of your situation, there are several ways to reduce health insurance costs. Another good way to reduce health insurance costs is to look at deductibles. Figuring out the right insurance coverage for you can be tricky, so try out a few different scenarios to see how a change in deductibles will affect the monthly price of insurance. Changing the deductibles could potentially bring down the premium. You may want to keep in mind that there are additional benefits you may want to inquire about. These can include dental, vision, or maternity benefits.
Once you have decided on a health insurance plan and you are need of a doctor, you should contact your health care providers to see which doctor's are within your network. You always have the option of comparing prices for different medical services and can decide to go to the most affordable provider. Sometimes, if a hospital is aware that you are comparing prices, they are typically willing to negotiate a lower price for your medical visit.

The most important aspect of saving money on health insurance is to carefully check all of your medical bills. A lot of mistakes can be made in billing, which will ultimately affect the amount of money you will be paying. Health insurance companies and health care providers can make mistakes when billing so keep an eye out. If you notice a problem with your bill, contact your health insurance company and physician to notify them of the mistake

Your Health Insurance Premium

With the higher cost of living these days, lowering your health insurance premium can benefit almost everyone. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be an incredibly difficult task. All it takes is a little bit of time, effort and of course a fair amount of research. Here are a few pointers to get you closer to lower rates and a fatter pocket book. Easy To Insure ME has the answers
1. Don't Skimp On the Research
Like anything else in life a little bit of patience can go a long way. It is very important to build up a list of insurance companies and analyze what each one has to offer. Regardless of whether you are just beginning to shop for health insurance premiums or not, don't fall into the trap of picking the first one that comes your way. There are many different plans available to the consumer and not all of them are created to best suit your health needs. Take your time to browse through different offers and compare prices and benefits. Be prepared to pass over quite a few before you find the perfect match for your situation.
2. Avoid Any Risky Activities
If you've been searching for ways to lower your premium and coming up empty handed, step back and take a look at the kind of extracurricular activities you enjoy on a regular basis. Although some people can't justify getting rid of their favorite past times, you might find a few that you won't miss. If you can avoid any risky activities that have a greater potential to land you in the hospital now would be the time to do so. For example, if you want to lower your health insurance premium that next skydiving trip won't be in your best interest. Insurance companies tend to charge more when they know you are at a higher risk for injury.
If shopping for the right plan is intimidating you, try checking out the major plans first. The majority of them are in high competition with each other to provide the best rates which in turn means a better insurance premium for you. You don't have to only follow this advice while you are new to the health insurance game either. Comparing the major plans against each other has the potential to benefit even the experienced health insurance consumer.
5. Remember to Periodically Reassess Your Needs
One of the most overlooked ways to lower your health insurance premium is simply evaluating your medical needs from time to time. Just because you required a certain service five years ago doesn't mean you should still have to be paying for it today. Don't be afraid to carefully assess your health so that you can determine whether or not you need to pay for a higher costing health insurance. As a general rule, you should at least aim to make an evaluation annually- you'll surprise yourself with the benefits this can have on your overall cost. And just remember to keep in mind that just because you weren't able to drop any services this year doesn't mean you won't have any luck in the following year.

Obamacare insurance broker

Some incredible excerpts taken directly from the story, and my highly insightful comments:

"The process of creating this new way to shop for health insurance will be costly and enormously complicated." — Duh, they want to reinvent the wheel…of course it's going to be expensive and cumbersome! Imagine, if you will, the federal government requiring the states to come up with a plan to create a new distribution system for consumers to buy food products, even though we already have  a system called "the grocery store." A daunting task? You bet! And frankly, not necessary.

"States that take on the task of running an exchange will have a significant amount of discretion that will determine the level of competition, the amount of choices for consumers and ultimately whether market forces work to help control insurance costs, as the law intends." — So, the Obama Administration and Congress believe that the states should control competition among privately owned businesses, and also allow them to determine whether or not to allow the market to control costs. Yeah, show me any state or federal agency that allows the American public to determine how much taxes are taken and what is spent by the government, and I will show you a pit bull that prefers bon bons over raw meat. The states will determine whether or not the market should dictate costs? Which way do you think they will go with that…set the costs themselves, or allow the market to do it?

"Anybody who shops on the Web today for products where they can go up there and put in preferences and pull up a set of choices that are relevant to those preferences, for a hotel or an airline or whatever, that is the vision of the exchange for health care," said Joel Ario, director of the Office of Health Insurance Exchanges at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. — OK, if that isn't seen as an overt indication that the Obama Administration and its operatives consider the broker to be completely irrelevant in the health insurance distribution process, then I don't know what does. It is reminiscent of earlier this year, when a staff blogger at USA Today wrote that the health exchange system originally proposed by the House would imitate Travelocity, since the fed would control the entire thing, which the Senate version (closer to what we now have) would allow the states to manage it. It appears, however, that Mr. Ario, a onetime Pennsylvania insurance commissioner who worked directly with carriers and brokers, has swallowed the Kool-Aid and seems to think that providing health care coverage is as easy as reserving a room at Motel 6.

"Most employees of large companies should expect to continue to get their coverage at work, experts said. But some small and medium-size employers could end up dropping their coverage and shifting their workers to the exchange. How many companies might do that is a big unknown." — speaking as an experienced journalist who seeks to back up blanket statements with facts, I have to say that this is one of the most irresponsible and egregious acts of unprofessional journalism I have seen in recent memory, and also one of the biggest misconceptions if not outright lies proffered by those in favor of state-run health insurance. What facts does the writer use to back up her assertion that "most employees of large companies" will continue with employer-sponsored coverage? Did she quote any employers, to at least show anecdotally that employers will keep employees covered? Or is she relying simply on unnamed "experts," whose affiliations are conveniently omitted from the story? And "some" small and mid-size companies could put workers on the exchange? Is this again from the "experts?" Or is this complete conjecture? It appears to be. At least the writer is being upfront when she states that it is a "big unknown," but making such concrete statements such as "most" and "some" and then admitting that it is really unknown, is poor form. In reality, we might see a majority of American workers form both large and small firms pushed onto the exchanges, where they will not only have to find their own insurance (required by law), but pay for it out of their own pockets, at rates that will likely be higher than what the
Without getting into a big Constitutional question (which, actually, is at the heart of the lawsuits instituted by the states against the law), it is incredible that the top elected officials of our country would enact legislation to force states to do something that they neither want to do nor have the resources to do, and take what some say is a disjointed system of state-based insurance regulation, and turn it into a black hole of regulation and uncertainties that could prove disastrous.

Right now, the broker community is the navigator holding the compass and telescope on the ship, "USS Purchasing Health Insurance." The federal government has decided that it can do a better job for the crew and passengers, and is putting the broker on a life raft and pushing it out to sea, while telling the passengers that the ride will now be smoother and easier.

Pennsylvania health insurance House bill targets health coverage

The Republican-sponsored bill passed the House Health Committee on a party line vote, 14-9.
Democrats criticized the bill as a violation of the U.S. Constitution that will do nothing to help more people afford health insurance, but committee Chairman Matt Baker, R-Tioga, said the bill, if it becomes law, will give Pennsylvania more legal avenues to challenge the federal law in court.
"It gets singularly to the mandate issue of forcing people to buy insurance that they may not want, they may not need and they don't even have a choice," Baker told reporters after the vote.
The legal impact of any state measure is questionable, since courts generally have held that federal laws trump those in states. And while Baker said the state arguably could enforce such a law, he also acknowledged that the matter is likely to be settled by the U.S. Supreme Court before the insurance requirement in the federal law takes effect in three years.
The federal law was passed by a Democratic-controlled Congress and was signed by President Barack Obama last March. Spokesmen for Republican majority leaders in the state House and Senate said Monday they could not predict whether or when the bill will reach a floor vote, although Baker said House Majority Leader Mike Turzai, R-Allegheny, had encouraged him to move it out of his committee. A separate bill in the Senate also would seek to block the requirement through a constitutional amendment, although it remains in committee.
Pennsylvania already is party to a states' lawsuit that challenges the federal insurance requirement.
The law's core requirement is that Americans carry health insurance except in cases of financial hardship. Starting in 2014, those who cannot show they are covered by an employer, government program or their own policy would face fines by the Internal Revenue Service.

Fair Car Insurance Quotes Online

The internet makes it very simple for a lot of vehicle owners to locate a wide choice of providers for making their choices from. Comparing different companies is a process that results in being quite simple when people decide on the internet for this kind of task. As a topic of actuality, just pressing a button can be almost all it will require to locate cheap car insurance today.
When you determine to look for car insurance quotes online, you will discover it is also a simple way to locate companies offering extra money preserving rewards, including safe driver discounts to their valued customers. Discounted options similar to this can be quite easy to discover, and are normally offered from a greater part of the agencies found on the web. This is definitely one particular cause why it's so crucial to make sure you spend some time and don't hurry about while you are researching information concerning agencies that offer car insurance quotes online.
Another good thing about comparing different companies on the web is the fact you are additionally able to review rates with the specific coverage being offered. There is actually a very important factor that you will need to be very careful about when you're shopping online with regard to cheap car insurance. Upon first glance, you might discover that the rates an agency is offering customers appears to be very reasonable. However, after better inspection of each and every element supplied with the coverage, you find it is far from the reality. A essential aspect connected with making comparisons on cheap car insurance quotes, is always to ensure you are also acquiring adequate coverage. When you're provided quotes that include low quantities of coverage and low rates, this is not a thing you want to agree to.
Simply stated, the net has been found for quit some time being the most beneficial way for acquiring the best car insurance quote offers that are available today. It is an excellent method that permits a person the power of becoming able to compare many different providers quickly and effectively. Taking the needed time to compare the particular coverage on offer, along with the rates which are provided, is one of the first elements a person may wish to take into account. While the total cost is an important issue, you will not really want to ignore the importance that may be involved with the coverage that is associated with these rates.
Being able to understand the different choices in coverage you can select from using cheap car insurance can be baffling for a lot of people. Before a person agrees to the stipulations on any kind of automobile policy, it is crucial that they have the whole understanding of each of the listed elements. The frequent practice regarding quite a few agents, is generally to be certain the cheap car insurance they are supplying is entirely comprehended by the client obtaining the coverage. There are then again, some companies which simply desire to receive money, and they are definitely not worried about the coverage their own customers receive.

Medical Insurance in the Country

Everyone tries to stay away from problems. Although one cannot always do so, it becomes imperative in today's world to stay ready for any trouble that may come up. Medical insurance is needed for the same purpose.
Diseases and ailments cannot be avoided. But with the kind of advancement made by health insurance, most ailments have some or the other form of remedy. A person may not be completely cured by a treatment, but their quality of life would definitely be enhanced. Nevertheless, unfortunately there are not many people who can actually get treated. This is not due to any shortcomings in the healthcare industry; but because of a lack of funds that people have to get such treatments. This has lead to the realization of how a mediclaim plan can protect people from medical costs at all times. 
As time moves on, market trends have been changing. There are quite a few factors that have lead to the increase in number of medical insurance companies. The government has paved the way for big players in the international market to make an entrance and establish themselves in the country. This has lead to a large number of tie-ups in the private sector. At the same time the government is also promoting awareness regarding the importance of healthcare. All these factors have brought about a fast growing health insurance sector. The current growth rate is 20-25% per annum.
The vastness of the industry is also because of the fact that about 98% of the market potential is unexploited as yet. The medical Insurance sector is also growing as a result of the fact that people who want to stay healthy cannot deal the high costs of healthcare. They buy a health insurance policy and make sure that they can stay prepared for any sort of medical attention they may require. This alteration in the mindset of people has invited a number of big insurance providers to join hands with companies in the country to offer coverage to the citizens of the land. Apollo Munich, which is a joint venture between Apollo Hospitals Group and Munich Health, is one such company. The company uses the expertise of the parent companies to promote uncomplicated health insurance. They have a whole range of innovative new products. Each policy is intended to protect policy holders from a whole range of medical hassles.

Insurance New Parents

One of the first actions new parents should take after the arrival of their family additions is to evaluate the existing insurance coverage they have. Usually, several changes need to be made.
If the existing life insurance coverage for each parent was set up years earlier, the amount of the policies may be less than enough to cover expenses in the event of the death of one or both parents.
Additionally, the list of beneficiaries should include the baby, even if he or she is only days old. In multi-children families, more coverage will be necessary and all children would need to be named as beneficiaries.
Along with the adjustment of beneficiaries, someone should be designated to care for the baby should both parents die. Some accidents result in the death of both parents, so this precaution is an important one.
A friend or family member should be designated and agree to accept this responsibility and to handle the use of life insurance benefits as best befits the child.
Another reason why new parents should check into their existing insurance coverage is because premium rates have been going down since 1996, and there is a good chance that a new policy will cost less for more coverage.
The joy of a newborn baby often makes new parents forget about such things as life insurance and the very real problems that will exist after their sudden departure from this life. Just as new life comes into the world, existing life goes out of it.
The amount of coverage needed for life insurance varies according to lifestyles and the debt of the insured individuals. Because term life insurance is so inexpensive for young adults, it makes sense to attempt to estimate what expenses will be for the baby for as long as 25 years into the future.
Life insurance for new parents should cover things like a home mortgage, college costs, and other items that are part of a child's development.
It is hard to think of a new baby growing up without you or your spouse. The many events in a child's life that parents can share are the most wonderful times in a family's existence. If they must occur without you, be sure there is enough financial security that the new baby will cared for sufficiently.

Level Life Insurance

There are a number of factors to consider when you are taking out level term life insurance. Some people may want a short term policy designed to be put into play till the policy holder's children graduate from college for instance.
This policy is unlike whole life insurance. With whole life insurance, the cost increases with time – thanks to its investment aspect. With level term life insurance, the premium and hence the cost of policy remains the same throughout so you know exactly what you're getting when you buy such a policy.
You must decide on how much coverage you will need before you take out a policy. You need to determine how much your family will require, in case of your death, to remain financially stable. This is in turn linked to how much you make yearly.
Another question you will need to address is how much premium you can afford. Even if you have the advantage of a premium that will stay leveled through the tenure of the policy, you still have to pay it and pay it every month.
You can take out level term life insurance for 10, 20, 30 and 40 years but remember that the longer your time period for the policy, the higher your premium will be. Some insurance companies give you the option of renewing your policy once it expires.
If you are looking to take out a life insurance policy, then level term life insurance will prove to be a cheaper option when compared to whole life insurance. This is because you get a clear picture of how much you will pay every month without the fear of your premium increasing with time as with whole life. Also, because no portion of your money is allocated to the investment option, you know how much you will get back – which is not the case with whole life insurance.

The Benefits Term Life Insurance

The Benefits of Term Life Insurance Like mentioned before, it is a cheaper option. You do not have to invest thousands of dollars but just mere hundreds when you buy term life insurance. Also, in the early stages of your policy, the premiums are also lower than other types of insurance and this allows you to buy higher levels of coverage.
Term life insurance is simple and easy to understand.  Because it is so affordable, specific goals that you want to achieve in your life can be met by purchasing the coverage you require.  It has the option of flexibility which helps you formulate a plan that fits your budget. Usually, it is considered as the best option for families because it is so practical. This money is usually used by families to pay off outstanding bills – like credit cards or any medical expenses incurred.
It can also help cover certain needs that occur during tough times in life such as mortgage on your house; which will disappear with time.  That is, term life policy is good for short term needs.  Another common example of this is your children's education fees.
Also, with term life insurance the pay outs are generally larger than other types of policy. This is because it is unlikely that a claim will be filed during the term so insurance companies can offer larger payouts to the issuers purchasing the policy.
You can invest your money yourself rather than depending on an insurance company. Insurance companies work in traditional ways and are generally conservative with how they invest your money. By choosing a term life policy you cannot only save money but also make more money by being less strict with the type of investment you choose. If you are good with money, then this can work in your favor. You can take your pick according to the your financial situation.

Life insurance for young adults...

There are many reasons, the first being that it is usually in the time from late teens to mid twenties when most people accumulate large amounts of debt. This can start off with college fees, car loan, credit card bills etc. If a young person dies before they get married then their parents are the ones that will end up having to take on the responsibility of paying for this debt. Now many people will not have considered this, but would not want that to become the case and for that reason might consider taking out life insurance at a young age.
It is a good time to take out life insurance for financial reasons also. At this time in life, people will generally be very low risk to insure as they are young and healthy. Taking out whole life insurance at this stage in life could prove to be a very sound investment if they develop health issues later in life. Taking insurance out at this time becomes costly and in some cases unaffordable.
Some term life insurance policies can start from as little as $10 per month for 18 year olds, and this could entitle them to a payout of up to $40000 in the event of their death. This could become very important as they grow older and gain more personal and financial responsibilities such as a family and mortgage. A 23 year old can take out a whole life insurance policy for as little as $27 per month that provides a cash value and death benefit payout of $50000.
It is well worth considering getting life insurance in your early years whilst you are still fit and healthy. Depending on what type of insurance you choose to go with, you may be able to save by a sizeable amount of money to use as a down payment for a house or for medical expenses.
With such an important investment, it is important do make sure that you are making the right purchase. This means doing a lot of research and ensuring that the company you choose is reputable and is likely to remain stable. It is important to ensure that the cover is the right policy for you. Depending on your lifestyle, you may need specialist cover.
It is also very important to make the right choices with regards to choosing a suitable beneficiary. It is vital that you review your policy and choice of beneficiary etc on a regular basis. If you get married for instance, you need to ensure that you update the policy to reflect that your spouse is then the main beneficiary.

Life insurance now....

Firstly the number of financial dependants that the client may have is usually very low, unless they have a sick spouse or disabled dependant. They have often paid of mortgages and debts by this time, and so the amount of money required by the cover is often less than for other policies.
Burial or final expenses insurance is often available at this time, and this is there in order to cover funeral expenses and pay off any final debts. The amounts are usually between $3000 and $30000. These insurances are seen as whole life insurance and will not expire after a set time. They are usually available for people into their 70's and 80's.
Term insurance is also still available at this time, although premiums will become extremely expensive if the client has a lot of health issues, and in some cases they may be seen a uninsurable. This will also apply for renewals, and could cause problems if you took out a 10 term at age 70 and then were unable to renew at age 80 due to medical conditions.
Deferred life is another option that some companies offer. It is a policy whereby they will only pay a limited death benefit for the first two years. Before two years, most companies will pay the amount of your monthly payments plus interest. Although in the case of accidental death a full payment is given out.
There are a number of insurance companies that cater for older clients and many now that only cater for the elderly. These companies have specific underwriting in their policies to enable them to provide cover. It is worth reading this carefully and seeking advice from an independent financial advisor if necessary to ensure that the policy is the right one for you.
If you are in relatively good health then the cover may work out cheaper than you think. Nearly all life insurance providers will require a full medical examination prior to insuring. If you are not a smoker, have no long term illnesses or medical problems and have a good family medical history then cover might not be too expensive.
It is always a good idea to shop around before you sign up to any policy, but you need to be careful to ensure that you get one that is suitable for your needs. With varying prices it is easy to choose the cheapest option available; however this may not be the one that you need. You need to take the time to carefully read the underwriting on the policies, as it can vary from company to company. This is especially important for older persons as in order to produce low quotes, sometimes companies have to exclude conditions that would usually be in place.

Understanding term life insurance policies

Online quotes are very popular these days and they have advantages and disadvantages. The online quotation forms although quite comprehensive, are not definitive. This means that even if you completely fill out the form as honestly as possible, there may be information missing which will change the eventual price of the policy. It is important to note then, that these prices cannot be assumed as the final quotation price.
One common part of any life insurance policy is the medical examination. This will usually need to be done (unless otherwise stated) in order to prove that the person is insurable and does not have any serious or life threatening medical issues that would render them high risk to the insurers.
It is vital when comparing life insurance quotes that you can clearly see the differences between what is on offer. As you can imagine, with companies competing for your business they are not all able to lower their prices whilst offering exactly the same package. This is why cheaper is not always better. It is very important for you to identify your specific needs, and ensure that these are met by the policy on offer.
You need to make sure that the underwriting of the policy matches up with your needs. One company may offer insurance to someone who has previously had cancer whilst another may not. One company may insure pilots whilst others may not.
There are many reasons why your quotation may seem higher than you expected. These include things like weight to height ration (which indicates general health level), high blood pressure, family medical history, high cholesterol levels, poor driving history and participation in hazardous activities. All of these things affect you risk rating to the insurer.
Another thing to make sure you understand is the terms of payment of the premium and any clauses to the policy. Payment terms may seem cheaper with one company than another but it is not always clear cut so it is best to make sure.
The best advice when it comes to understanding quotations is to speak directly with the company providing the insurance. If you have any questions then you can ask them directly and make sure that you are happy in understanding the response. It is also a good idea to get email confirmation of any queries raised over the phone so that you can be clear about what was said. It is a very important purchase and you need to ensure that you are completely happy with your choice of insurer and 100% clear about what is on offer.

Motor Trade Insurance.,.,

Anybody who works with vehicles, or sells or deals vehicles, will need motor trade insurance. Motor trade insurance policies tend to cover the driver, not the vehicle, giving the driver greater flexibility and freedom when doing test drives, demonstrations, and moving vehicles on the road and within trading premises.
The first thing an insurer is likely to ask is what type of vehicles you are working with – for example, are they private cars, commercial vehicles, or HGVs?  And next, what is the nature of your business, are you involved in selling / dealing vehicles, or in their maintenance, service and repair? It is very important to have a clear picture of your business to give to potential insurers, to make sure you get quotes covering all necessary aspects of your business.
There are various types of policies that a motor trader can opt for. Some cover road risks only; i.e. risks when actually driving the vehicles, and others offer broader coverage.If you are in the business of vehicle sales, you will need cover that allows you to test drive and demonstrate a number of different vehicles, as well as collect and deliver them, take them to the workshop for repairs if necessary, etc. usually, this is called a ‘road risks’ policy.
There are different levels of cover, from Third Party only – which is the minimum legal requirement and doesn’t cover you in case of fire or theft – to Comprehensive, which has a much broader level of cover for your and other people’s vehicles.  Insurers will require quite detailed information about the vehicles registered to you or in your care as part of your business, so check with them how this information is submitted and maintained – you want an easy to use and accessible system.
You should also check whether a policy covers+ Social, Domestic and Pleasure use too (referred to as SD&P by those in the know). If it does, that means you can use your vehicles for driving to and from work, for example, as well as in the course of operating your business.  Including SD&P may raise your premium, so think carefully about how you will use your business vehicles.
If you are operating in a showroom, forecourt or garage you must consider premises insurance, which protects your property in case of damage, or theft of, or damage to, the contents of that property, such as machinery, tools, money and personal items.

3 Tips to Help You Find Quality Life Insurance ....

If you are a life insurance agent, then you no doubt already know that the hardest part of an agent's job is getting business. Some agents rely on the tried and true method of cold calling. Others take advantage of newer approaches like online lead generation. The truth is, there are any number of ways to increase business and get new life insurance leads. You need only take the time to find yourself some new life insurance leads. Here are three ways many insurance agents get new leads and make more sales. Many agents rely on one or more of these methods. Some agents prefer one method over all others, while others use them all equally. Regardless of what you currently do, if you need to increase the number of leads you have, trying one of these approaches is sure to help. The first method you should try is to exhaust your personal network. Networking is essential in the sales industry, and life insurance sales is no different. Talk to your family and friends and see if they can refer anyone to you. Next, talk to your current clients and past clients to see if they could make any referrals.  Indeed, there are several companies that specialize in collecting life insurance leads. They collect these leads specifically to sell them to agents like you. They can provide you with as many leads as you like, and generally the cost is very reasonable. If you need a boost of leads, this is perhaps the fastest way to get them. Some of these online lead providers even offer free life insurance leads for you to try out before you purchase from them. One of the oldest methods of insurance lead generation is cold calling. This is an essential skill that any agent should have. It is true that cold calling isn't the most efficient means for finding leads, but it can be effective, especially if you are out of other ideas. The key to effective cold calling is to know what you are going to say ahead of time. Take the time to write out a script to help you when you make a call. You only have a few seconds to make a first impression and get a person's attention, so make it count. With these three methods you are sure to boost your number of life insurance leads in no time. You might find you like one approach more than the others. If this is the case, then stick with it! You'll have all the business you can handle in no time.

Individuals seem to change their lifestyle options as they mature.

Individuals seem to change their lifestyle options as they mature. For example, an individual tries to maintain a sedentary lifestyle when his or her body begins to show a sign of breaking down. We set aside monetary funds for our medical bills instead of saving for a vacation. In this type of situation, it is very surprising that we do not put the same effort into concern for our vehicles.
It is important to keep in mind that your vehicle depreciates in value the instant you drive it off the car lot. The blue book value is known to decrease to nothing at a certain point in its short lifespan and because of this selling your car down the road is known as receiving a profit. The question that we should always ask ourselves is, "Do we really want to put monetary funds out to insure a vehicle which you would not even consider to fix if it were in a bad accident?" Putting out thousands of dollars on repair bills on an older model vehicle is not at all what you would call a feasible. You may want to consider what the rates would be to dispose of your old car so that you could put those funds toward that of a new vehicle of your choice. If this is the case, you would not want to get your car insurance to cover the repairs of a wrecked vehicle. This would be a waste.
If you just renew your automobile insurance policy without checking around and just agreeing to the same old rates that you had before might not be such a great idea. Keep in mind that the correct way of implementing these actions will depend on the exact personal circumstances. It is quite a simple process nowadays. Due to the luxury of the Internet, you have a vast amount of tools available at your fingertips to assist in getting you numerous different automotive insurance quotes. This will help you to get the best price for the best coverage that is out there. Utilizing an automotive insurance quote comparison website can assist you in this and save you vast amounts of time! Let's say that you can very easily figure out the amount of money that you would need to be put into a vehicle that is around ten years old. Automotive Insurance Companies figure that keeping close watch on the newest ideas available is very important. With this said, being in the loop and having all the information that is most pertinent can help you to make the correct decision of which policy is the right

Auto Insurance A Preparation .......

Since people tend to buy new cars, teens and adults tends to go to a bunch of parties getting zoned with alcoholic drinks and beverages. It is a very fun experience for many but the problem lies on the time that they would have to leave the venue and drive their cars. While some prefers staying at the venue for the night, others do not feel comfortable sleeping at other's place so they insist of going and driving home even though they are under the influence of alcohol.
Although no one is promoting or advertising the idea, it is a fact that such incident is unstoppable and do occur on numerous occasions. The first issue or concern if such occasion arises is the health of the driver and his passengers, if there is. The number of deaths caused by car accidents increases during holidays and it is apparent that the reason is drunk driving. Sadly, even innocent people are getting caught up with accidents caused by the irresponsibility of others.
nfluence of alcohol can affect a lot of lives by recklessly roaming the streets with their vehicles while alcohol is eating up their consciousness. They tend to ram cars which are parked nicely on the side of the road causing its owners to lose their car that they have worked so hard to avail.
That is why it is highly advisable to make sure that the vehicles that everyone owns are secured and insured. Availing an auto insurance could save vehicle owners from losing their car out of others irresponsibility. It would give vehicle owners the peace of mind that a company would help them recover from a major loss if they got caught up with an accident or their car became a victim of others fault.
Getting insurance is not hard either. There are tons of companies that offer auto insurance for most vehicle types and these companies even provide an online application for vehicle owners so they would not have to visit the company's offices just to subscribe for their services. Insurance agents are also scattered on public places who jumps to people that crosses their path, inviting them to avail the insurance offered by their company.

Colorado Health insurance , Texas Health Insurance Oklahoma Health Insurance

CONNECTICUT: The House of Representatives last week joined the Senate in overriding the Governor's veto of their campaign finance overhaul bill. However, there's still an injunction in force that was imposed by U.S. District Court Judge Stefan Underhill on August 11 against all portions of Connecticut's law that were deemed unconstitutional by the Second Circuit. It is expected that the state will swiftly file a motion for relief from the injunction. Campaign finance law in Connecticut will not move forward until the District Court lifts its injunction, as anticipated, in the coming weeks.
OKLAHOMA: At a recent hearing before Oklahoma Supreme Court Referee Barbara Swimley, an attorney for state Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland challenged a new law that will levy a 1 percent fee on health care claims. Holland's attorney described the bill as one that had nothing to do with insurance, but instead was designed to help raise money for the state and balance the state budget. He also argued that the legislature did not follow the constitutional process in passing the bill. The state's constitution requires all revenue-raising measures to either pass the Oklahoma legislature by a three-fourths vote or be submitted to state voters for approval. The attorney for the Oklahoma Health Care Authority argued that the court could use the presumptive argument that all legislation passed by the Oklahoma legislature and signed into law is constitutional. Commissioner Holland's legal challenge now rests with the Court, which must decide whether to uphold the law or strike it down as unconstitutional. Referee Swimley promised that court officials would make a decision about the case "soon." The bill is slated to take effect August 26, 2010, with the first payment of the fee due October 31.
TEXAS: The presidents of the University of Texas system's six health-related universities last week publicly listed their worries about millions of uninsured Texans becoming covered in 2014 under the country's sweeping new health care law: not enough doctors, too little money from government health care programs and fewer commercial insurers to cushion financial losses as they do now. The Chair of the Health Affairs Committee predicted that the changes will impact the UT system "significantly," possibly threatening the health institutions' funding for research and academics. They cited a loss of federal and state money for facilities that care for a large share of low-income and uninsured patients as the key culprit. They also fear that many people who are currently uninsured and who begin buying insurance in 2014 will buy the cheapest insurance they can get. The presidents worry that the result will be fewer commercial insurers, which now absorb some of the costs and help hospitals make up for low payments from Medicaid. But they stopped short of characterizing the law as a negative and called it the "new normal" instead. The six schools plan to find more efficient ways to care for patients, including the use of more nurse practitioners End of update

Buying Affordable Health Insurance

Comparative shopping and buying affordable health insurance on-line lately is probably one of the simplest ways so that you can approach the situation. On-line insurance coverage purchasing is proving on daily basis to be the extra efficient and cheaper approach for folks to find health cowl they can easily afford without having to waste time making telephone calls and going to see native agents who overcharge you. Health insurance quotes
There may be one primary benefit to procuring on-line to your health needs and that is competition. That is proper, with the entire corporations there are online as of late offering individuals their companies, except you possibly can prove that either your costs are decrease then everybody else's or that the protection you have to offer is much superior, you will lose out on invaluable customers. There are different advantages to purchasing inexpensive health insurance online. They embody:
1 Simpler protection comparison. It is possible for you to to get a break down as to what every plan you look at has to offer right away. That way you will be able to print out or look them over in your pc and resolve which plans work greatest for your private health insurance needs. When you've got any questions you may simply contact a on-line agent to reply any of your question that you might have when wanting over and clarifying the options when shopping for reasonably priced health insurance online.
Dedicated, helpful online agents. As mentioned earlier than, having agents which are at your finger tips it doesn't matter what time of day or evening it's may be very helpful you probably have query a few plan you're contemplating buying or when you've got already gotten coverage and you merely have a question.
3 Quicker buyer response time. You will need to be sure that no matter company you enroll with has an excellent observe record of being able to not solely reply customers, but takes the claims their customers turn in significantly and deals with them promptly. There may be nothing worse than receiving a invoice in the mail telling you that you simply owe the hospital or private physician cash when it has not even been processed by your insurance coverage firm and so they have yet to pay on it.
four It lets you research every insurance firm and guantee that they have good customer rating. Now this does not mean that when you run into a bad review that it's essential to just neglect that particular firm Irrespective of how good the service there'll all the time be a number of issues that arise. You just need to make sure that you do not see a growing pattern among the present and previous customer that they have had points when shopping for inexpensive health insurance.
It will be significant for everybody to get health insurance, no matter how younger or how suit you are. There are too many variables in life that may make a standard day flip into one which if you did not have health insurance you'd be paying back for an extended, long time. The simplest option to discover health insurance is to look online and this is one of the simplest ways of buying affordable health insurance

California Auto Insurance Company

Have you ever worried that your auto insurance company will cancel your policy after filing a claim? You may have already been through this, or it may have happened to someone you know. For many years you stay insured with the same carrier and right after you have your first accident, you receive a letter that tells you that your insurance company is no longer interested in continuing with your policy.
You are angry and frustrated; after all, it was only an accident. But do not assume that this is the way all companies work. With the right California Auto Insurance carrier, you will have a preferred insurance company that will hold your hand and walk through with you during the entire process of your claim.

Choose the right coverage to get the most valuable protection you need. It is always a great idea to review your auto insurance policy to make sure you are getting the essential protection you need, with benefits that will protect you in the event of a loss. In this economy price is usually the first reason people shop for their insurance policies at renewal, but don't let price be an issue. If you contact an independent agent with great knowledge about insurance products, they can match you with the right carrier at the right price. I know that price plays a major role but if you can get extra protection at the same price you currently pay than you get a win win situation.
The right California Auto Insurance agent can match you with the right company that will meet your individual needs. Each policy should be uniquely created for you and your family's protection. With the many companies and options out there, you should take advantage of the extra benefits that come included in your policy coverages. Here are some great reasons to choose the company that's right for you.
Preferred insurance companies want to be your insurance company for life. They will remain at your side in good times and bad times. As a loyal customer you can get:
  • Warranty repair for life, in this way, your claims experience will not be stressful at all.
  • If you are stuck on the road or stranded somewhere in the United States or Canada, just stay calm and with one phone call away, you receive immediate help from the roadside service group which is available on all the vehicles on your policy, no matter who the driver is.
  • Award-winning claims service-receive 24-hour claims service 365 days a year.
  • Replacement warranty on new cars, if your vehicle is declared a total loss in the first 15 months or 15,000 miles, you will get a brand new vehicle of the same brand and model, without any devaluation.
  • Enjoy a fixed rate for an entire year, not only for six months as the policies offered by other companies.
  • Waiver on your first accident, if history of good driver is involved, you will not receive an increase on your rate because it's your first accident.
  • Disappearing Deductible, nobody likes deductibles so that is why if you have no accidents your deductible will diminish over time until it reaches 0.