Saturday, 11 August 2012

Introduction of Pet passports

  Introduction of Pet passports – These passports contain all the relevant details about your pet and save your pet from the hassles of undergoing a battery of tests to prove its good health each time you travel.  So this means you save time on vet visits and the only thing you need to do is book tickets for you and your pet when you travel.  Easy travel has made pet travel insurance popular.

Pet travel insurance is a great concept for those of you who are constantly on the move due to business reasons or otherwise and would love to take your pet along. There are plenty of pet travel insurance policies available on the market. They cover things like hotel expenses and the premiums are generally high. You have to scrutinize many policies before you find one that suits your travel plans the best. Travel insurance is the best way to safeguard the health and wellbeing of your pet during travel. Needless to say, you are also ensured a hassle free travel as all expenses relating to your pet will be borne by the insurance company.

Buying pet travel insurance is also a pre requisite for travelling to many countries with your pets. This shows that you really care about your pets and will not abandon them if they fall sick.

So the next time you travel, you can take your pets along. Travel insurance will take care of all their expenses and let you have a relaxed holiday.

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